Friday, September 15, 2017

The End?

I'm sad to say it, but I believe this is the end of Flower Cat T.V. We got locked out of our account, I don't even know if it still exists. Chrysanthemum won't be able to come over anymore, and we don't really speak that much either. Orchid and I may be able to continue, but it will never be the same. Thank you all for the love and support you have given us. We couldn't have asked for a better audience. I know someday we will be back. But until then, goodbye to you all.

Love always, The Cast & Crew of Flower Cat T.V.

Lilac, Lilly, Chrysanthemum, and Orchid

Friday, November 18, 2016

Recording Sessions Scedualed

Hi this is Flower Cat TV and I have a couple announcements to make. First of all, we ate no longer airing on Monday, we are airing on Tuesday. Which Brings us to the second thing, which is that we have scheduled recording sessions! Sort of. We still need to decide on a time, but Tuesday around three o' clock is what we have for now. We need a bit more disscussion before it is final, but we will probably start again this Tuesday! This was Flower Cat TV and have a Meowelous day! Bye!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Our Videos

Hi this is Flower Cat TV and I am sorry we have not posted in a while. We will start up again on Monday. It is still just Lilac and Lilly, but we are trying to schedule recording sessions so we can get the whole crew back! This was Flower Cat TV and have a Meowsome day!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Giveaway Closing

Hi this is Flower Cat TV and I am sorry to say our giveaway is over. I am also very embarrassed to say no one entered. Sorry everyone, but you have lost our basket. If you missed your chance, look forward to our next giveaways for a chance to win other prizes. This was Flower Cat TV and have a meowerful day!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Flower Cat TV Halloween Giveaway!

Hi this is Flower Cat TV, and as you can tell by the title, we are having another giveaway! For this giveaway, you have to post a picture of your pet in a Halloween costume on instagram with the tag #flowercathalloween2016 for a chance to win our prize basket! What's in it? Our Halloween basket includes:

  • A ticket to participate in an episode
  • Candy!!!
  • A form to request an episode of your choice
  • And a special secret prize especially for you

This was Flower Cat TV and have a Meowerful day!

Flower Cat TV

Hi this is Flower Cat TV and welcome to our blog! (Although I guess it is more of a vlog since we post videos) Flower Cat TV was founded when Lilac and Chrysanthemum had time after school before dance. Lilac's cat, Lilly was playing with her toy. It sparked the idea for the first ever Flower Cat TV video. You can check us out on instagram to see cute pictures of Lilly and watch videos (which you can still do here). Also, just a clarification, Lilly's real name is Lilly. The rest of our names are made up, for the Flower purpose. Thank you for reading and have a cattastic day!